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Services > 5-Star Quality Rating System

The Quality Measure portion of the 5-Star Program will soon see changes. April 2011, the system will cease having enough data to continue and is expected to remain nonoperational until April 2012. The Quality Measures section of the 5 Star will “go dark” as well as the Overall Rating. There is discussion regarding changing the Staffing Data from self-reported data to collecting staffing data through payroll. The 5 Star System will continue to update Survey Information (Health Inspections) the third Thursday of each month, with Staffing information monthly. Facilities should continue to monitor residents functional status, pressure ulcers, pain, restraint usage and delirium in both short and long-term stay residents for best practices and in anticipation of the return of the Quality Measures and Overall Rating.

Source: Five Star Nursing Home Quality Rating System Technical User Guide.

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